
Tweets for Today

Just a recap of all the twitter posts I have done today. Click here to follow me.
  • RT Danacea : Sparking it up with a bit of electric fusion - Annie's never sounded so hot! ♫ blip.fm/~5my69
  • More K-ON! - Kinetic Typography OP tinyurl.com/cc3bmj
  • K-ON! Don't Say Lazy 8-Bit ドット絵でEDっぽくしてみた(マウスカーソル) tinyurl.com/dakb4t
  • Real 8Bit K-on -- 【けいおん!】 ドット絵でEDっぽくしてみた の音をファミコン化w tinyurl.com/cwxtom
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