- Tweets for Today ff.im/-1VgGE
- #lastfm #love My Law by Velcra bit.ly/bW2i
- Hey, everyone join me in Warhammer, a Tweetworks group. is.gd/qMLi
- #lastfm #love Death Wish by Deadstar Assembly bit.ly/hmtyd
- #lastfm #love Solitaire Unraveling by Mushroomhead bit.ly/Mr1i0
- #lastfm #love Electric Hellfire by Black Label Society bit.ly/XBJkE
- Judas' Tongue [pic] ff.im/-1VEGj
- RT @DancingQueen_DQ this is hilarious! tinyurl.com/d34cc5 It sure is :)
- #lastfm #love 1 Ghosts I by Nine Inch Nails bit.ly/al83x
- #lastfm #love Memory Loss by Velcra bit.ly/J6K1R
- I have created a Fan page for the Star Wars Combine, you can find it here: ping.fm/XMLXB
- I have created a Fan page for the Star Wars Combine, you can find it here: ping.fm/XMLXB - bkite.com/06c9s
- I have created a Fan page for the Star Wars Combine, you can find it here: ping.fm/XMLXB
- #lastfm #love Child of Burning Time by Slipknot bit.ly/ZCBHT
- I have created a Fan page for the Star Wars Combine, you can find it here: ping.fm/XMLXB ff.im/-1VKpD
- Why can't he park it there? is.gd/qRGg
Tweets for Today
Just a recap of all the twitter posts I have done today. Click here to follow me.