- Tweets for Today ff.im/-1QdEv
- #lastfm #love Torn Apart by Stabbing Westward bit.ly/12WbML
- #lastfm #love Gothic Anthem by Gothminister bit.ly/p1SCU
- #lastfm #love Kontrollverlust by Oomph! bit.ly/SQSbz
- #lastfm #love 306 by Emilie Autumn bit.ly/2Rc8h
- #lastfm #love My Time (Charity Edit) by Noisuf-X bit.ly/2XM3
- #lastfm #love Therapy by Switchblade Symphony bit.ly/3DiF1
- Happy April 1st everyone :) RT @torrentfreak Warner Bros. Acquires The Pirate Bay tinyurl.com/dbtrzs
- Just entered to win a Xbox 360 on ZeroPaid Just follow @zeropaidnews and RT is.gd/oPZn
- JoeQuesada What is Iron Man doing? tinyurl.com/ctv9e2 RE: @Dannychoo
- I was looking for " Into The Fire" But had to just settle with "Sweet Dreams" ♫ blip.fm/~3o40k
- "Has Boobs, Reads Comics" one year anniversary ff.im/-1QRNc
- Ranma 4 ff.im/-1QWES
- #lastfm #love Raveolution by Xe-NONE bit.ly/giDD
- #lastfm #love Robuste Maschine by Reaper bit.ly/15lND
- The Protectoron [pic] ff.im/-1RyHA
- #lastfm #love Evil's Birth by Funker Vogt bit.ly/rdg18
Tweets for Today
Just a recap of all the twitter posts I have done today. Click here to follow me.