- Tweets for Today ff.im/-1FedC
- #lastfm #love Only One by Slipknot bit.ly/1XvQ
- #lastfm #love SCG IV by Lordi bit.ly/uNCaD
- Tell me what you think? ♫ blip.fm/~3acdh
- Who are your Top Twitter Friends bit.ly/18Jxa9
- #lastfm #love Kuschelmetal by J.B.O. bit.ly/azfEa
- What's in the Box? - Test Film 2009 ff.im/-1FoCf
- #lastfm #love Rotten by Godhead bit.ly/1akdsE
- Yes, send me an angel right now! ♫ blip.fm/~3bik9
- #lastfm #love Transmutation by MDFMK bit.ly/rwK6y
- Try this again, yes, please send me an angel! ♫ blip.fm/~3bir9
- #lastfm #love Hypnotize by System of a Down bit.ly/P9O0j
Tweets for Today
Just a recap of all the twitter posts I have done today. Click here to follow me.