- 16:07 Tweets for Today ff.im/-1AUxe #
- 17:00 Outside my window. [pic] ff.im/-1AY59 #
- 18:05 "Now this brings back memories. I really should bring out my titan legions / spacemarine stuff and take pics of... re: ff.im/1B1Ud #
- 19:53 Arcattack: Faraday Fun- Imperial March ff.im/-1B89x #
- 21:06 Check out my profile to see the new Twitter background I created from TwitBacks.com #twitbacks tinyurl.com/6owdfd #
- 15:46 @wefollow #blackberry #
- 16:01 #lastfm #love Träumst du by Oomph! bit.ly/18GwLe #