
Do you read ebooks/have an ebook reader device (Kindle, Nook, iPad)? Other than affordability, why or why not?

I only have my blackberry and the only thing I read on it, is fanfic, more specifically "Ranma Fanfic". I think I pay enough for internet and cellphone charges to actually subscribe to anything (besides xbox gold). I like to hold and own what I read, I have had way to many computers die and lose everything that is on it, to rely on something that is digital.

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Lordi - who's your daddy PV

1st collector for Lordi - who's your daddy PV
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Lordi - Who's your daddy PV

Lordi-It Snows In Hell

1st collector for Lordi-It Snows In Hell
Follow my videos on vodpod

managed to clear up the video alittle so enjoy.

You did the trick
I didn't see it coming
I did not hear a sound

Though you were quick
I will not be forgiving

You won't be waiting for my return
I promise baby - You'll burn

Now it snows in hell
This is the day foretold till death do us part
Now it snows in hell
I've gone away but I've got you in my heart
All frozen and scarred

Your life goes on
and it's infuriating
How did you not get caught

Your deed will spawn
a fate beyond your making

You won't be

Lordi - Blood Red Sandman (Music Video)

1st collector for Lordi - Blood Red Sandman (Music Video)
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What do YOU recommend for comics this week??!

Thanks for asking. First I get all my new release info from comiclist.com . I'm really really enjoying the books from GG Studio, the Italian artist from this company are amazing. I can't wait to see what 5 Ronin is like. And viz has another vol of Hoshin Engi, Chinese history manga style.

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